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Cordelia Tri-Valley Little League

In-House All-Star Program (AAA&AA) Updated 05/01/2024
1) Managers Nominate 2-3 players per age group, from their regular season team. (AAA & AA)
Player Agent & President may nominate any player that was not nominated by the Managers.
Player Agent will create a Ballot for all Managers to vote, the Player agent will inform all Managers of how many selections they have in each age group.

Manager Selection for In-house All stars
Managers wanting to manage an In-house All-Star team must notify the President and explain the reason(s) they should be selected. The President will then assemble a list of prospective managers of candidates to the Board of Directors for Selection & Approval.
Managers selected are guaranteed their Player on their team.
Assistant Coaches will not be appointed before the team’s composition.

Anticipated # of players selected Per Age Group. (This could vary depending on Player Agent & Presidents discretion)

·        11yr olds- 2

·        10yr olds- 4

·        9yr olds- 12

·        8yr olds- 6

· Once the 22 players have been selected by the Regular season Managers, the All-star managers will draft their respective teams. Each team will have the same # of players from each age group.

· The In-house All stars will play a 3-game series, the 1st game will be on a Thursday selected by the Board of Directors, the 2nd game will be on Saturday. If a 3rd game is necessary, they will play a double header on Saturday. 

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Cordelia Tri-Valley Little League

5055 Business Center Drive, 108-192
Fairfield, California 94534

Email Us: [email protected]
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