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Cordelia Tri-Valley Little League

13:00:01              Assessments

                              All players league age 8 and older must be present for at least one assessment to be eligible to enter the draft pool. Exception: A player who misses both assessments for reasons which the majority of the Board deems legitimate, may still be eligible for the draft.

13:00:02              Each candidate shall be given the opportunity to bat, field, throw, and run with players of the same league-age, in the presence of all managers and assistant coaches.

13:00:03              Managers and Assistant Coaches are expected to attend all scheduled assessments in their respective divisions.

13:00:04              Managers are not permitted to talk to the players regarding their assessments.

13:00:05              Managers may pre-select one Assistant Coach before the draft. The child of that coach will then be placed as the #1 round (Bonus Pick) selection for that team     

13:00:06              Once a Manager pre-selects an assistant coach, they cannot opt out or change their coach selection without the Presidents approval.

13:01:00              Draft type is Alternate Method of Plan B in Serpentine order with a random draw of numbers to determine draft order.

13:01:01              The draft will be administered by the Player Agent and in accordance with Little League Baseball Draft Methods. CTVLL does not have “Property Players” and thus all players are placed into a common pool for draft purposes.

13:01:02              Managers will draw for a draft number/position and will be placed in that order. The first round (Bonus Pick) will start with managers who have pre-selected assistants. If a manager does not have a preselected assistant, they will make a pick from the pool of players in that first round. The second round will start in the 1st position and snake back and forth from this point forward. The last round of the draft will start from the last position and end with the first position. The coach who is in the first draft position WILL receive the last pick overall.

 Manager Hold-Downs: Manager’s child (as determined by the Player Agent) will, without exception, be placed according to their league age at, or before, the following rounds.






3rd Round




4th Round

3rd Round



5th Round

4th Round

3rd Round



5th Round

4th Round




5th Round


Managers may pre-select one Assistant Coach before the draft. The child of that coach will then be placed as the #1 round (Bonus Pick) selection for that team, in addition to the Manager’s child being placed in one of the rounds listed above.

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Cordelia Tri-Valley Little League

5055 Business Center Drive, 108-192
Fairfield, California 94534

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