Given the important role that these individuals play in the development and leadership of youth in the CTVLL program, much care is used in the review, vetting, and selection of managers and coaches for CTVLL teams. While not all-inclusive, the League has these base expectations for all managers and coaches.

Managers and Coaches:
- Must encourage players at all times and will not damage the self-esteem of any player or parent at any time.
- Understand that becoming "physical" (grabbing, pushing, hitting, physical or verbal intimidation, etc) with any player, parent, league official, opposing coaching staff, spectator or umpire is not acceptable at any time - - such actions are grounds for serious consequences up to immediate removal as a manager or coach.
- Will have undergone the standard Little League required a background check
- Have open, productive and strong relationships with the League, CTVLL Board of Directors, parents, and umpires at all times.
- Demonstrate that they have an appreciation of the philosophy of Little League Baseball, CTVLL and cooperates with others in making the program of mutual benefit to all children in the program.
- Recognize that they are agents of the Board and will follow the Board’s direction, philosophy, and advance the agenda for the League as set forth by the Board.
- Recognize and accept that CTVLL has a zero-tolerance policy for rules and regulations infractions and non-compliance with League code of conduct and facility use policies.
- Attend all mandatory coaching and safety clinics
- Lead by example in shaping acceptable behavior patterns whether the team wins or loses.
- Have a solid understanding and agree to comply with all CTVLL rules, regulations, and code of conduct policies.
- Reflect an understanding and appreciation of the age group they supervise.
- Has experience in managing and/or coaching baseball at the level in which the candidate is being considered.
- Respect the judgment and the position of authority of the umpire.
- Exercise their leadership role, but leave the outcome of the ballgame in the hands of the players.