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Cordelia Tri-Valley Little League


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Frequently Asked Questions

  • My child tried out last year, does he/she have to try out again this year?

(a) YES, players are required to make at least 1 evaluation every year. This includes coaches’ kids

  • What will happen during the tryouts, and what should my child bring?

(a) Players will be evaluated in 3 categories, hitting, fielding, pitching. Players should dress to impress, baseball attire (pants/jersey/glove) protective equipment (athletic cup) cleats or turf/tennis shoes if indoors

  • How will my child be selected to a team, and when will the teams be announced?

(a) Players are Drafted in Majors/AAA/AA by coaches, teams are typically released 2 days after the draft.

Coach Pitch (A), Tee ball teams are built around Coaches, player request, schools and residency. There are NO Guarantees on request

  • I have more than one child, can they play together on the same team?

(a) Yes, if they are in the same division

  • What is a player pool?

(a) Player pool is every kid is eligible to be drafted by any Manager

  • What is interleague play? Is interleague play travel ball?

(a) Interleague play Is when our League plays teams from another league within our district. Leagues we typically play, Fairfield Atlantic, Fairfield Pacific, Suisun, American Canyon, Benicia, Sonoma, Yountville.

Only Juniors/50-70/Majors/AAA Interleague

  • What division will my child play in? Are there any specific requirements about each division?

(a) Your child will player where their age and skillset best determines, please refer to the website under division chart.

  • What paperwork is required and how do I submit it?

(a) Birth certificates and residency docs are required, you submit these online through your player’s profile

  • What do the registration fees go toward?

(a) League operations (charter fees and insurance), field maintenance, uniforms, umpires, clinics etc…..

  • Are there fundraisers throughout the season? Is there a fundraising buy-out option?

(a) CTVLL typically has an adult only fundraising dinner. Individual teams are required to provide a raffle basket or dessert depending on the division that will be auctioned off.

  • Am I required as a parent to volunteer?

(a) Yes, field crew, scorekeeper, team parent, assistant coach etc...

  • What is the time commitment? How many practices and games per week?

(a) Depending on Division 2-5 days a week with practices

Majors/AAA/AA 3-5 days with games
Coach Pitch (A) 2-4 days with games
Tee ball 1-3days with games
Almost every team plays 1 weekday game and 1 Saturday game
Juniors/(50-70)- Fri/Sun, managers discretion
Majors- Tues/Thurs
AAA- Mon/Wed
AA- Any day but Sunday
CP/Tball- Any day but Sunday

How does the team and/or local league communicate with parents? Does the league have a social media presence?

(a) CTVLL Communicates via email. Yes, we have social media

  • Can I manage my child’s team?

(a) Yes, please fill out a head coach volunteer form to be considered by the President.

  • If my child is selected to a Minor League team, is there a chance he/she gets called up to Majors during the season?

(a) Only if said player tried out for majors and didn’t make it, these vacancies are filled by the Player Agent.

  • What will my child need to bring to practice?

(a) All players will need a Glove, water and a positive attitude. Helmet and bat are recommended

  • When is Opening Day, and what will be involved?

(a) Opening Day is typically in March, look at the calendar to verify. Opening day is a small Parade with announcements and awards.

  • How many players are on a Little League team?

(a) Depends on division, can range from 8-14 players
Juniors/(50-70)- 13-14players
Majors/AAA- 12 players
AA- 10-12 players
Coach Pitch (A)- 9-10 players
Tee ball- 8-9 Players

  • Does each player play every game?

(a) Yes, there are minimum playing requirements that apply to all divisions including Juniors/(50-70)/Majors/AAA/AA

  • Where can I find the Little League rules?

(a) Local rules are listed on our website, Majors/AAA play by Little League international rule book

  • Will my player get to play with his/her classmates?

(a) Depends on division, Tee ball & Coach pitch (A) we do try to keep kids together by schools. This is not a guarantee

  • What is an all-star, and how is the team selected?

(a) All stars are at the end of the regular season, teams are built with kids in their age groups to compete at the District, Regional, and State levels. The outline for team formation can be found in our local rules under All stars tab

  • Can my child “play up” on an older all-star team?

(a) Yes, if selected.

  • When will the all-star team be announced?

(a) After May 15th

  • Do I have to sign my child up to be an all-star?

(a) No, the Player Agent will email all prospective players if they are able to commit to the team through July for practices and games. (includes holidays)

  • If my child isn’t picked to be an all-star in my league, can he/she go to another league to play all-stars?

(a) No, all little leagues are bound by residency requirements, you must live within the boundaries or go to school within the boundaries.


Parents' Role in Little League
This is your team, become involved. We need your help. Don't always say "they" will take care of it, because "they" is "YOU". Parents should accept the fact that they must demonstrate responsibility and take the initiative to make the local program successful. Practically speaking, Little League is an adult, all volunteer work project constructed, supervised and assisted by parents, who desire to make its benefits extend to their children. Each parent should join in the total effort. There is a place and a job to do for all. The parent who shirks this responsibility cannot, in turn, expect someone else will assume the burden.

 Parents' Duties on Game Day:
Help by preparing the field for play, i.e., rake the infield, put down chalk lines, rebuild pitchers’ mound, check the bull-pins and put out the bases. Managers and coaches have plenty to do prior to game time and should not have to get the field ready for play. After all, they have worked all week at practice with your players, giving their time, energy and knowledge. Start early before game time to get the field ready.

Before the game:
● Pull tarps and place them outside the field of play
● Water all infield dirt areas except for the pitcher’s mound
● Rake level and compact the batter’s box
● Drag infield and rake baselines
● String and Paint foul lines and batter’s boxes
● Put all the equipment back into the appropriate shed

 After the last scheduled game:
● Water all infield dirt areas except for the pitcher’s mound
● Rake level and compact the batter’s box
● Drag infield and rake baselines
● Put all the equipment back into the appropriate shed
● Place appropriate tarps on pitcher’s mound and batter’s box, Minors AAA division and above, players may assist with their own field’s preparation, so long as they are being supervised by an adult volunteer, manager or coach.


Why Volunteer?

Dear CTVLL Little League family,

We're looking forward to a great season, and we need your help.  CTVLL is an organization made up solely of volunteers, and to run efficiently we need many of them for our upcoming season.  Lend a hand in support of our youth by volunteering a small portion of your time.  The experience is truly rewarding!     

For managers and coaches, it doesn't matter if you have coached for years or want to try coaching for the first time -- there is a place for everyone who wants to make a positive difference in the lives of our community's youth.
There are numerous areas where CTVLL can use your help:

Team Parents
Board Members
Field Maintenance

In keeping with Little League's Child Protection Program, all managers, coaches, board members and league volunteers in contact with the kids are required to complete an annual volunteer application and to provide a copy of a government-issued identification card (e.g. California Driver's License), before they can be in contact with our youth/players. The safety of our youth is our top priority, and we appreciate your cooperation with this important part of the process. For more information on Little League International's Child Protection Program, click here.

Thank you for your support of Cordelia Tri-Valley Little League and we appreciate your time and efforts on behalf of the League.  We welcome your application to join our league!


Team Personnel Listing

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No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.


Volunteer Descriptions:

Board Members

Board members are elected each year at the end of the Spring season.  In addition to their board position duties, board members work various days and nights during the season at the fields. 

Board positions include:

 Vice President of Operations
• Information Officer
 Safety Officer
 Equipment Director
 Player Agent 
 Umpire in Chief (Upper Divisions)
Farm Player Agent
Coaching Coordinator
Fields Maintenance
Equipment Manager

The manager of a team is ultimately responsible for the team.  The manager drafts the team (in tryout divisions, schedules and plans the practices, organizes team volunteers (coaches, team parents, scorekeeper, etc.), coaches the team, and is the primary contact between the league and the team.

A coach helps the manager coach the team and performs any other duties assigned by the manager.  A manager can recruit as many coaches as needed but there may only be two coaches with the manager in the dugout during a game.

Team Parent
A team parent is someone who wants to help out with the team any way he/she can.  They may help out during practices, coordinate snack schedules for the team, coordinate the schedule for team duty to work in the Snack Shack (Concessions stand)communicate information from the manager to the team families, or whatever administrative duties they can to help the manager/coaches.  The team parent also coordinates any team banners and team end-of-season parties.  Because the team parent interacts with the players, a volunteer application needs to be completed so a background check can be done.  There is a team parent meeting at the start of the season to give you information for performing your duties.  Please check the calendar for dates.

Field Workdays
The first one or two Saturdays before the season starts are typically field cleanup days.  CTVLL invites all players and their families to come and spruce up their fields and the grounds to get them ready for the opener.  We also encourage managers to build team unity by bringing their whole team to work together.

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Contact Us

Cordelia Tri-Valley Little League

5055 Business Center Drive, 108-192
Fairfield, California 94534

Email Us: [email protected]
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