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Cordelia Tri-Valley Little League

Coach Pitch Division Updated 01/03/2024
17:01 Coach Pitch Rules
Length of Game    Six-innings or 1.5 hours, whichever is shorter.
Batting/Pitching    The ball is pitched by the batting team’s coach. Each player gets 7 pitches or three swinging strikes (whichever comes first). If a batter fouls their last pitch, they are allowed an additional pitch. If a batter does not strikeout or hit the ball after seven pitches, they will return to the dugout. This is not considered an out. (If a coach cannot seem to get the ball over the plate, please allow a couple extra pitches.)
Outs If an out is made, the runner leaves the base and goes back to the dugout. Outs will be called by coach on the field closest to the play. The inning is over after three outs, or after the lineup has batted. Only one base is allowed to be taken on an overthrow per play. If a team has batted the entire line-up the inning is over when the ball is returned to the pitcher position. There will be a limit of 10 players on the field, 6 infielders and 4 outfielders.
Batting Order If three outs end an inning before everyone has batted, the next scheduled batter will lead off the following inning.
Score We do not keep score at this level. These are instructional games.
Instruction  Coaches are allowed on the field while their team is on defense. This is for instruction (telling the kids where to throw the ball, helping them understand what is going on, correcting errors, and encouraging the players). Two or three coaches/parents/volunteers is the best number to have out on the field. 
Coaches  All coaches must have a volunteer form and a copy of their driver’s license on file with the league. Live Scan must be completed.
Fun          If there is a disagreement on a play or an out, please remember the kids are there to play baseball, not to listen to adults argue.

May 1st if approved by Farm Director
Kid Pitch Rules:
20 pitches, or 1 inning maximum, per-pitcher, per-game.
Pitchers, pitch to their own team
No pitcher may pitch on back-to-back days.
A pitcher may only pitch 1 time per week.
Only league age 7- and 8-year-old players may pitch per Little League Rules
The maximum number of player pitches is 3 per batter.
A coach will pitch the remaining 4 pitches to a batter (if not put into play).
The player-pitcher must pitch from the rubber.
The player-pitcher is allowed 1 hit batter, after a 2nd hit batter, the coach must finish the inning.

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Cordelia Tri-Valley Little League

5055 Business Center Drive, 108-192
Fairfield, California 94534

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